Thursday, November 26, 2009

thursday, november 26

happy thanksgiving!

a special day calls for a double dose of family pictures. what better way to kick off thanksgiving day than by jumping on the trampoline with your uncle and cousins, and then enjoying an annual family football game!?

wednesday, november 25

happy birthday sam!

thanksgiving and christmas are even better in the pilgreen family because of two special little boys' birthdays. sam got loaded up with some star wars toys and games. then, he topped off the celebration with a birthday cupcake.

keep making us laugh, sam! we love you!

tuesday, november 24

praise the lord for thanksgiving break! we were so excited to hang our school badges on the mirror tuesday afternoon to not have to put them back on until monday morning.

p.s.- i already almost forgot the second day of the 365 days (great start, right?), so technically this was not taken the day it is meant for, but i posted it because i meant to take this picture actually on tuesday.

monday, november 23

an exciting first picture, right?!

hey, life isn't always exciting. having lunch at school everyday, however, is quite exciting...particularly when i am already starving by 10:30 everyday. every night one of us gets out all of the tupperware containers (environmental friendly!) and makes lunches for the next day.

peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches beat cafeteria lunches anyday.

what is the point of this?

some of you who eventually find your way over to this blog may be wondering why i started something like this.

and that is an excellent question!

i have seen the idea on several popular blogs i read, and i thought it would be a fun project. many people have commented on those blogs that the original idea was great, they even stayed pretty consistent for the first few months, but inevitably gave up because they got too far behind.

i cannot promise that will not happen for me, but i definitely going to try my hardest to keep it up all year long. in the end, it will be a lot of fun and a special way to look back on this past year.

i would also like to point out that i am not doing this by a calendar full year (january-december), but instead, i thought i would document our second year of marriage.

enjoy the journey with me, if you so choose. check as often as you like. i may not update everyday, but i do plan to take pictures everyday so i will date them accordingly.